Yamaha MONTAGE M ESP v2.0.1 for Windows

Montage M ESP is a software replica of the original Montage M hardware keyboard that lets you create, edit, and mix performances without the original hardware. ESP aka Expanded Softsynth Plugin is a software synthesizer that brings the Montage M sound engine to your DAW.

β€’ Ultimate mobility – You can realize the full capabilities of MONTAGE M with just a laptop.
β€’ Ultimate work efficiency – offline processing, rendering.
β€’ All settings are saved in the DAW project for easy recall.
β€’ Can be run on as many ESPs as your PC specifications allow.
β€’ More information can be edited on the larger PC screen.

Key Features:

β€’ Sound Customization: ESP allows deep sound customization regardless of whether the user is connected to MONTAGE M or not.
β€’ Content Sharing: ESP and MONTAGE M can exchange content in a simplified mode, making it easy to manage personalized sound content.
β€’ Updates: Any updates to ESP will also be reflected in MONTAGE M.
β€’ File and Data Management: ESP allows users to manage files and data in the user’s memory.
β€’ Run on Multiple ESPs: ESP can be run on multiple ESPs if the user’s PC specifications allow.

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